La Rousse Brands
Rachel Marascalco
La Rousse Brands operations
A natural leader and long-time fan of all things related to service, hair and makeup, Rachel oversees operations at all La Rousse Brand stores, ensuring things run as smoothly as possible. A graduate of Mississippi State University, Rachel has over 20 years of experience in management--14 of those years in the beauty industry. In fact, it was the salon that brought Rachel to Oxford from Jackson, having since grown the salon to include 16 additional stylists, three treatment rooms and upscale boutique, Zoe. If you don’t see Rachel at the salon and spa or boutique, she’s probably at one of our sister companies, Goose Creek Tennis Club and Boure. In her leisure time, Rachel enjoys spending time with her husband, Paul Marascalco and their three children; Matthew, Cordie Lew and Zoe.